Friday, August 19, 2005

Of 'I Can't Wait'

I can't wait to ...

- eat Maggi Mee thrice a day
- feel stupid for wearing longjohns in a building
- complain of the lack of durians, mamaks, home-cooked food ...
- make people regret asking me to cook
- have snowball fights
- pose beside Angelina Jolie's wax figure
- chase ducks in a pond
- speak with a non-Malaysian accent
- try to comprehend other accents
- shiver all the way to the bathroom and back again
- run the annual marathon (Kidding! 42 k is no joke)
- bring too much stuff i won't use and complain again
- compare prices and complain again
- go backpacking
- visit Zhi Xin everyday so that he can take pictures of me everyday =)
- have fun

But most of all, I can't wait to FLY!


At 12:26 AM, Blogger yingks said...

Damn I'd give anything to say that too!

At 10:56 AM, Blogger Adelynn said...

another item to add to your list of I-can't-wait-to :
-take adelynn and xin yi to the premier of Harry Potter in London.
(iMax? nah, 3D makes me dizzy)

At 8:56 AM, Blogger fishtail said...

Include visiting Wong Kei Chinese Restaurant in your list: lots of students go there cos it got what is arguably the cheapest authentic Chinese food in London. No need to wear longjohns inside a building, unless you want to overcook those family jewels.


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