Thursday, September 08, 2005

Of Random Thoughts

I blame my stupid modem. I blame the fact that stealing bandwidth is a crime and that the blogger format that comes up in my laptop turns out in Chinese! Now I am typing out this entry from a local cybercafe charging possibly RM 2.00 bucks an hour with half the keys on the keyboard missing its letters.

I finally got my Visa done! And I have finally received my money! Double joy! Both of which means only two things: I'm tentatively flying on the 16th!

I've been eating lots of mamak lately. To the extent that I am getting sick of it. Too much roti canai can and will get to your nerves. But eventually, it is for a good cause: I am just too lazy to buy frozen ones in London.

I hope I get to meet my friends before I leave. All of them. Some of them are planning some absurd stuff for me, i.e throwing me into a swimming pool or something to that effect.

Random stuff keeps popping in my head. Can't concentrate. Anxiety meet with excitement. Die lor.

I called a friend in New Zealand. Turns out it suffers from a time lag. It takes about 2 seconds before my friend registered my voice and another two for me to register hers. So we basically just had a Lost in Translation via phone lines.

I haven't packed! How?


At 9:11 PM, Blogger .:dewgem:. said...

haven't pack? and you're asking how? go pack lah!!


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