Saturday, July 23, 2005

Of A Blog A Day

I have finally found out a way to spend my time. I have recently accumulated a series of Christopher Pike's Spooksville books (24 of them in all) and am devouring and savouring every last bit of them. I have now finished The Cold People and am now halfway through The Witch's Revenge. I just can't wait for Attack of the Killer Crabs and The Creepy Creature. Cool.

I have also decided to go for swimming. I need the exercise, especially after all the food I have been eating. Besides, broader shoulders and a tanner bod won't hurt at all. =)

Another day has passed.


At 9:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Chong, it's been a long time we ever chatted... Just pop by to post something... well from the looks of ur last entry... a good harry potter book will satisfy the boredom.... especially the latest one... U know ^_^ . Me thinks uve oredi finished it havnt u... as 4 me, Im too bz with my school work and have not a single moment even to buy the book... but still I will eventually. hehe Treasure ur holidays and enjoy it fully! Then ur boredom will fade away... not 2 4get ur hols will too.....

At 9:36 AM, Blogger Adelynn said...

HeY!! u've read harry potter??

At 5:09 PM, Blogger Innerflame7 said...

pike? err.....outgrew tht a long time ago ;)


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