Thursday, June 15, 2006


Currently at Warwick, resting, relaxing and basically enjoying life exactly 1 month before I go back!!! =)

Actually. for a better account of what I did in Warwick, just visit Adelynn's blog. She has much better description skills than I will ever have.

The only thing I want to say is no matter how beautiful Warwick is, with all its ducks and geese and swans and worms and slugs and Adelynn Loo, I still like London more. Heh.

Maybe I'm just too used to it already. There was once I went to Coventry City Centre at 6pm on a Sunday and there were about 10 people there. Only.

I think I like crowds more. And cars. And pollution. I like nature, don't get me wrong, but only to a certain extent.

I guess the part of being in Warwick is having Adelynn's company for 9 days - which is excellent. And to eat enough food to feed a small family.

Actually, I should just list down the amount of food we ate:-
In the past four days, we sapu
  • Chicken curry (2 days worth)
  • Chilli prawns
  • Fish with Kunyit
  • Spring Onions Ginger Beef
  • Half a Duck
  • Nando's Chicken (Half per person)
  • Carbonara
  • Vegetables enough to feed a small country (think Vatican City)
  • Char siew and Roast Pork
  • Muller corner (My newest craving!)
  • Fruits (Grapes, strawberries and get this - MANGOSTEEN!)
  • Packets of Maggi Mee Assam Laksa flavour
  • Cadbury Chocolates

In the next few days, we shall sapu:

  • Fish curry
  • Tomyam
  • Assam fish
  • Tandoori Chicken
  • Porridge
  • Another bunch of vegetables enough to feed another small country

I AM enjoying myself.


At 2:58 AM, Blogger ~ xYz ~ said...

Haha.. i can imagine your life in Warwick.. lolz.

At 2:46 AM, Blogger Adelynn said...

heyaaaa ehh we didn't eat that much la.....i think....did we really eat half a duck? I thought it was a quarter!! and anyway, vegetables are good for health la...

At 2:46 AM, Blogger Adelynn said...

heyaaaa ehh we didn't eat that much la.....i think....did we really eat half a duck? I thought it was a quarter!! and anyway, vegetables are good for health la...

At 2:47 AM, Blogger Adelynn said...

heyaaaa ehh we didn't eat that much la.....i think....did we really eat half a duck? I thought it was a quarter!! and anyway, vegetables are good for health la...

At 2:47 AM, Blogger Adelynn said...

heyaaaa ehh we didn't eat that much la.....i think....did we really eat half a duck? I thought it was a quarter!! and anyway, vegetables are good for health la...


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