Friday, January 20, 2006

Of Basketballs and Pictionary

Stupid me slept at 7 pm and woke up at 9 pm. Now I can't sleep at all. Argh.

The start of classes. Really miss hanging out with my classmates - all of them. Its just so fun talking with them and criticising every single lecturer again. Hehe. No matter whichever country you are from, the similiarities are actually much more than the differences.

I had the most depressing lecture of Economics ever. Found out I can only get a maximum of 67 marks. Argh. I can't wait to get my other scores. If I have an average way higher than that score, it is just prove to the testament that that paper is screwed up.

Finally had my first game of basketball. Took me ages for me to get the motivation to walk out in the blistering cold for a nice game. And yes, it was blistering cold. Furthermore, it rained. So I played basketball in the cold, wet weather of winter. Nice. =)

And I can't say how much I LIKE eBay. Bought Pictionary!!!!! And am having a great time playing it with friends. Worthwhile purchase, I must say.

I somewhat enjoyed this week.


At 1:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha... u finally updated ur blog! So izzit me being lifeless to get to as-smart-ass-was-taken in frequent intervals and Lo and behold it has been revived, OR u being lifeless (j/k) all the while huh...

So now i ask of one thing.
Keep it Updated will ya?
live life to the fullest mah...

At 5:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome bck pal!


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