Saturday, September 04, 2004

Of Dim Goddesses and Psycho Kings

The first beauty pageant was held on Mount Olympus between Hera (Queen of Gods), Athena (Goddess of Wisdom) and Aphrodite (Goddess of Love). Now, in those days, they didn't have the benefit of having Ronan Keating as their host or tough Q & A sessions or swimwear parades (sigh). Thus, they enlisted the aid of a young man to decide who the winner was. Now, these goddesses weren't exactly bright. They chose a human mortal to decide who the winner was, and we all know that humans are so fickle-minded, especially when it comes to beauty contests. So, while this young lad had the opportunity to goggle at heavenly bodies, the rest of us lesser mortals have to settle with the tube, goggling too, but to a lesser degree. Lucky bugger!

Well, these goddesses weren't exactly playing fair either. Apparently, bribing was part of the competition. So, Hera offered him power, Athena offered him victory in all battles and Aphrodite offered him the love of the most beautiful woman. And he, being the hot-blooded man he was, chose Aphrodite. Well, duh! Who wouldn't? And the goddess of love won the first-ever beauty contest. The prize? A golden apple. Now why would anyone want a golden apple? Not edible, boring and just a plain waste of paperweight material. Well, I didn't say they were sensible.

Oh, by the way, the name of the young man: Paris

His reward: Helen of Troy

The result: The Trojan War

Sigh. The concept of 'Make love, not war' suddenly doesn't apply. More like ' Make love AND war'.

We Malaysians have our own love story too. Watched Puteri Gunung Ledang just now with a friend. Not a bad watch, considering we laughed at all the wrong parts in the show. I can still feel the stares at the back of my head. Haha. Now I know why people talked so weirdly in the past. It is just to torture us, the people in the present, with mundane Sastera. There were some illogical scenes too, but it was a good effort nonetheless. Will recommend it to anyone who is interested in Sastera, super powers (they put X-Men to shame!), old forms of transport, bad dancing, psycho kings, sappy love stories and the ways to avoid any form of kissing even with VERY close contact.

Now, isn't love amazing?


At 10:34 AM, Blogger yingks said...

Hey thanks for this post! Very nicely done. Makes we want to start on Homer!:)

At 11:26 AM, Blogger smartass said...

Dear YingKs

Enjoy Homer! I only love reading the abridged version. Couldn't force myself to do the real deal.

Thanks for dropping by.

At 1:12 PM, Blogger .:dewgem:. said...

wow, you guys are reeeeally polite when commenting on other people's blog. so i shall do the same..

Dear Chong, (still feel bit weird here...)
Er, i don't understand. thanks to me? for er, making both of you know each other? haha...i'm confused. but wow, same Law class eh? haha, there's gonna be a stiff competition between you two, and that makes a whole lot difference in the class right? makes it more interesting. haha.

anyway, will give you back the Les Muserables CD soon. anymore broadway musicals CD you have?

At 7:36 PM, Blogger yingks said...

Dewgem, yeah! Speak about competition!! 1 pathetic % between us. But that's just law. He beat me flat in math, and even flatter in Accounting! That's biased competition...I'm always at the losing end!!!

At 7:20 PM, Blogger smartass said...

Dear Dewgem,

I don't know who started this 'dear' thingy, but since it is a trend, I proudly succumb to the mechanics of society and become another part of the system called the Matrix. =) Anyway, our starting words to each other were: Do you know dewgem? And we started off from there. So, there you have it. Thanks!

Les Miserables is cool, right? I had Cats, but I loaned it to a friend. However, the other musicals I have are sadly movie-musicals. Tell me if you want any.

Till we meet!

At 7:25 PM, Blogger smartass said...

Dear YingKs

Competition is healthy! 'nuff said. =)


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