Saturday, July 09, 2005

Of Constant Harrassment and Quiz Spammers

OK, fine, I know I haven't blogged for a long long long long long time, but there is no need for constant harrassment. OK, maybe a little bit of cajolling is necessary. Mind you, a bit. And I know when I haven't blogged for a long long long long long time when your name gets kicked out from this blogger's Part of My Regular Diet list. I am innocent, I swear.

You know that thing about online quizzes that get passed through the internet. Those which you venture in when you have nothing better to do, then realised halfway through, that you actually have SOMETHING better to do and stop doing it. Usually, those questions lie in the range of:

1. Your name:
2. Favourite colour:
3. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be:
4. Ex-boyfriends/girlfriends:
5. Dumped anyone lately:
6. Sex (how many times):
7. Winter or Summer, Chocolate or Vanilla, one night stand or boring partner
8. Do you like this moronic quiz:
9. Would you send this moronic quiz to your friends so that we can spam their mail:
10. Would any of your sane, mentally stable friends bother reading it:
11. If your friends are deleting your mail, then why bother filling it up, idiot:

OK, I admit I have added some choice words. But hey, it is for a good cause.


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