Thursday, March 10, 2005

Of Having the Force with Me

Yesterday was a good day. Went back to my old college and had a blast mingling with coordinators and juniors.

They built this new cafe just outside Inti College Subang Jaya, aptly called Asia Cafe. And boy, went I went there - food galore. It is just like your typical hawker centre with the addition of Japanese and Korean food and even Vietnamese food. And the food ain't that all expensive, especially when compared with the oh-so-expensive food of good ole KDU. Thus the unfairness of the modern economy- when there are three colleges in one particular area, you get Ramen and Vietnamese mee and the ever-so-close Macdonalds, and when you are in a money-eating college like yours truly, you get Yu Yi.

The AUP (American University Program) Society, which I am in and still am - as alumni, came out with a play to celebrate AUP Week. There the mingling happened and I got involved with the play when my ex- vice coordinator volunteered me to help out. The name of the play was, get this - AUP Wars IV: A New Joke, which, if you have been living in a box for your entire life, is a spoof of Star Wars. So I was 'hired' to handle the props, and while limping around carrying tables and chairs, I basically had a great time. Especially since I was in the group photo shoot as well as the encore. Especially since my former Calculus teacher spotted me and she remembered my familiar face. Especially since I get to know one British lass from London (who was, by the way, playing Princess Leia). =) Who I promptly asked whether she knew City University. Her response: "Huh? Where's that?"

If I get the photos, will try to put it online. The costumes were awesome! Especially Chewbacca's.


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