Friday, July 01, 2005

Of My Achievement (Or Not!)

I thought of blogging about my road trip around the Northern Malaysia. Then I came back home and found this letter waiting for me: Congratulations on your achievement!

Well, at first I thought that I was awarded the Nobel Prize or something of that sort until I read even further where it was saying that I graduated from my college and there was a graduation ceremony for it.

Now there is nothing wrong with that until I realised:

1. My A-Levels results will be out on the 17th, 18th or 19th of August and the graduation is on the 13th, which in actual fact makes absolutely no sense at all. We graduate in theory, but not practically.

2. We are graduating the same time as the other students from other courses, whom I hardly know, and whom I have to share my graduation with. Knocks out any sense of achievement, if you ask me.

3. We have to pay RM 200 to graduate. Huh?

4. Who in their right minds even graduate from a pre-uni course?

I will probably be in big trouble if my opinions are found out. But sometimes, I feel that this kind of stuff is rather pointless. I would just prefer to have a gathering with the teachers and just hang out together. In that way, we get to keep our casualness and yet, is a parting in many ways.

Now to see whether my peers are going or not.


At 10:10 AM, Blogger princess poopy said...

hana n i feel d same way too!! not sure if im going...lets juz ponteng n hangout at OU :p

At 1:05 AM, Blogger yingks said...

I thought you forgot ur blog's password!:) MIA...

Well I'm surely not going for graduation, :)

At 5:48 PM, Blogger Innerflame7 said...

dun worry i think wat ur feeling is perfectly normal


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