Monday, September 13, 2004

Of Three Wishes

What will you wish for if you were given three wishes, and you can't wish for any more wishes? And no cheating tactics like wishing for everything and anything under the sun. Me and a 'stranger' had a lively discussion, much to the distress of all the librarians and students who wanted to study, about this popular Aladdin topic:

Her Wish #1: I wish to eat everything I want to eat without growing horizontally. (Her words, not mine!)

My Wish #1: I wish to be a stand-up comedian, or a clown, just to make people laugh. (She agreed I do a good job at it too =) )

Her Wish #2: I wish to be stranded on an island, being the only girl, with a lot of gorgeous guys to fulfil my whims and fancies. My personal Utopia. (Eyes glazed over)

I agreed that it was a very good wish. Dreams, fantasies, ... until ...

My Wish #2: I wish all the guys in the world are gay, except me! So, I will be left with a world full of straight girls and ME! Hahahaha...

As all the men on her island are now gay. Eyes unglazed. Dreams shattered. Bubble burst. Paradise gone. Uh oh. Sorry... =) (She got 'tak puas' with me for spoiling her wish and started whining) Haha. Too bad.

Her Wish #3: I wish for all the knowledge in the world! (I think, after that whole fiasco, she didn't dare asking for something I can counter)

So, I wished for a solar-powered laptop.

'What for?' she asked. I replied:'So I can play games with... '. 'You filthy bugger...' she exclaimed. Bursts of laughter followed as well as a reprimand by our very-zealous librarian. Well, what can I say? I am human, after all.

Side note: Some parts have been personally edited, so as not to turn this blog into an 18-SX rated one. Not that it matters much though. =)

Current Music: Bryan Adam's Heaven


At 10:34 PM, Blogger .:dewgem:. said...

chong. you and your interesting 3 wishes. haha. but I still don't get the solar-power laptop..

At 11:21 PM, Blogger smartass said...

Dear dewgem,

Thanks for dropping by. Cool huh, my three wishes. The solar-powered laptop was inspired by a friend. Can play games, whack animals on the head with it, or use the screen as a mirror. Very practical. I left out some dirty parts, which I would not want to put here. =)

At 6:13 PM, Blogger yingks said...


At 10:09 PM, Blogger .:dewgem:. said...

argh! chong! that is SOOO not you saying "thank you for dropping by" to me...hahahhaa..

but it's ok. i think it's a good thing...right?

At 1:06 PM, Blogger fishtail said...

I only have one wish: that people would not remove The Star or The New Straits Times from the library.

At 1:22 PM, Blogger BoNdI said...


How dare you you steal my idea?
Not only did the 'hag' give me the sounding which was meant for the both of us, you by-passed me in writing this. And yes, if i did, it would have been a lot more interesting, WITHOUT the 'holictic' censoring!!


At 2:57 PM, Blogger Deepak said...

Hey!! That solar-powered laptop was my idea!!!

At 5:59 PM, Blogger smartass said...

Dear fishtail,

That would be one of my wishes too! Sometimes find it extremely annoying when they are not where they are supposed to be. And will then have to start scouting for them. Argh... People these days. =)

At 6:00 PM, Blogger smartass said...

Dear BoNdI

Glad you enjoyed my article! Hope to post more about it and your dirty mind! Btw, 'WATCH' is not spelled as 'WACTH' and 'holistic', not 'holictic'. Tsk, tsk. Bad spelling.

At 6:01 PM, Blogger smartass said...

Dear humraaz

Yes it was, but I did credit it to a 'friend'. =)

At 9:35 PM, Blogger yingks said...

Pooooor old BoNdI. Her mind is getting exposed. As in, the implied bit of it (the sensored bit!). Tsk tsk tsk... be a tad careful who you next express your mind:P


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