Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Of Post-Traumatic Stress

Of all ways to start the end of the holidays, Dr. Gerrard just had to give us ridiculously tough questions for our Probability and Statistics 1 paper, with minimal time to solve. Expected us to find median, quartiles and outliers where the working is oh-so-long and the marks oh-so-little (worth only a meagre 4 marks)

Just did my laundry. I could hand-wash them but I wouldn't. Could just use the extra time to write this entry, study, sleep, watch anime or play Black & White. I dislike exams. All those precious time wasted away doing meaningless stuff. Well, if I was to waste my life doing meaningless stuff, I would at least make sure I LIKE doing those meaningless stuff. =) (just coming up with a reason to support my fetish with sleep and anime)

Come to think of it: studying for exams have taken up almost a quarter of our lives away. To think that we could have used that time to er... have more fun, enjoy our childhood, learn how to scuba dive, improve DoTa skills, scale and name a new mountain, discover some miraculous new drug which can cure whatever disease in the world. See? Exams deprive us from achieving these goals. The world might end up a worse place thanks to exams.

I am just ranting here... This is what we call post-traumatic stress. Lucky for you guys I decide to vent it out on you lot. =)


At 11:00 PM, Blogger Adelynn said...

haha...I kinda thought that you had to go through the exams part before u reach the stage of discovering some miraculous new drug...

At 11:36 AM, Blogger .:dewgem:. said...

hey chong!

i haven't heard from you for a veeeeeerryyyyyyyyy long time ya know...


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