Saturday, April 30, 2005

Of Innocent Days

My mum introduced to me the world of books when I was at a young, tender and 'innocent' age. Therefore, it is thus right that I list down my top 10 children's books of all time so that if you guys want to relive your 'innocent' childhood, I recommend these particular books/ book series that captured my young, tender and 'innocent' imagination:

In no particular order:
1. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
(what more can a brat want than a book filled to the brim with chocolate, chocolate and chocolate)

2. The Witches by Roald Dahl
(i like the fact that he put witches as bald, possessing square feet and large nostrils. also another reason was that this book encourages us to be stinky and for a kid, that was a good thing)

3. Animorphs series by K.A. Applegate
(awesome! kids saving the world by turning into animals. the plot is pretty good too. too bad i missed the last book- book 55 out of 55 books but it was a good 54 throughout)

4. The Faraway Tree series by Enid Blyton
(land on top of a very tall tree, which practically grows any fruit imaginable and which houses unique characters like Moon-Face, Silky the Elf (not Legolas-type) and Dame Washalot)

5. The Five Find-Outers series by Enid Blyton
(the book which made fat look cool. main character Fatty is smart, witty, cheery and of course, fat)

6. The Famous Five series by Enid Blyton
(how can i forget the book that got me started into reading. Julian, Dick, George, Anne and Timmy, I owe you guys one!)

7. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
(got you, didn't I? a very good children's literature classic. and check out the movie starring a young Winona Ryder and a very, very young Kirsten Dunst)

8. Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
(thats nothing much to say about the book which the whole world is talking about, which spawned three movies, introduced Emma Watson and made J.K Rowling the richest woman in the United Kingdom)

9. Spooksville series by Christopher Pike
(the best horror series created for kids. this is so unlike the childish creations of a Mr. R.L Stine. these books are fantastic. i never get tired of them!)

10. Charlotte's Web by E.B White
(Synopsis: The tale of how a little girl named Fern, with the help of a friendly spider, saved her pig Wilbur from the usual fate of nice fat pigs (as quoted from the back page of Puffin)

There you go. 10 books/ book series which I personally recommend to those who want to remain young at heart. Any others that I miss out?


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