Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Of More and More Stress

Of all the ways to start the end of the holidays (Hey, this sounds familiar), Mr. Karlsson just had to give us ridiculously tough questions for our Introduction to Economics paper, which (I felt) was impossible to solve. Argh. I should have studied. Damn.

That being said, I just realised something. If someone was to Google Mr. Karlsson's or Dr. Gerard's name, will they go to this blog? Haha, free publicity. =)

I just rediscovered Dungeon Siege 2. Ah, killing creeps has never felt so, so, satisfactory. =) Since talking with God has proven boring and stupid, I have to resort to other factors to de-stress.

3 down, 3 more to go! When will it end?


At 11:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i totally agree!!!!! Karlsson sucks...


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