Friday, March 18, 2005

Of Dolls, Sharks and Girls with Long Black Hair

I get spooked easily, I'll readily admit that.

When I was about 7 and I first saw Jaws, lets just say that was the last time I ever took a bath. I still do showers, if you are wondering. And now, I still don't do baths, not because I am afraid of shark-infested waters but because I do not like washing away my filth with my filth.

I dislike walking in dark corners - alone. You know, sometimes you get that feeling that someone is watching you and staring at the back of your head. The ones that give you goosebumps and make your hair stand. Yeah, I get that feeling often, and I usually end up scurrying fast straight ahead, my legs ready to sprint if something touches my back.

After watching the Exorcist, I didn't want to stare at the foot of my bed when I turn off the ligts to go to sleep for fear that Linda Blair would turn her gruesome face around and face me.

And just yesterday, after finishing four hundred pages of The Taking by Dean Koontz, when I was supposed to be studying for Law, I didn't want to put my feet to the ground for fear that a small hand would grab it from under the bed. Spoiler alert: Somewhere in the book, there is this part about self-mutilating doll who starts screaming "Diapers, diapers, di.. di... di..." minus the last syllable. A sort of Chucky. The book is creepy, but maybe I just have an overly vivid imagination.

I admit that all these fears are irrational and illogical, something right out of the likes of Stephen King. And besides we are fed with daily doses of aliens, witches, demons and critters from our tube. So I have built quite an impressive immune system towards demoic manifestations. Its just that sometimes, just sometimes, you get creeped out by the littlest things. (shudders)

Quote: "Red rum... red rum" (Jack Nicholson in The Shining)


At 9:06 AM, Blogger fishtail said...

Hmm, in that case, I wouldn't recommend you going to a Thieves' Market cos you might hallucinate that every other person next to you was a thief out to nick something from you.


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