Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Of Not Getting Into Cambridge

Dissappointed? Yes.

Sad? Maybe.

Relieved? Absolutely!

Its over and done for. Am feeling a conflict of emotions right now. Don't really know whether I am happy or sad. But one thing is for sure : I am relieved that it is finally over. All those waiting and screwed-up interviews and stress and tempers and tears all came down to one thing : A rejection letter from Cambridge.

Regrets? None whatsoever.

For me, I believe that there should never be any regrets in my life. All the stress was worth it. It has been, well, one hell of a ride. And I am glad that through these tedious months of applications and waiting, I have grown. And you know what, I am so darn PROUD of myself. I applied, knowing that my chance was next to zero, not taking Further Mathematics or Physics and applying for Actuarial Science for the other universities, and just basing it on the fact that I love Math and Math alone. I had to compete with the best of the best, and well, I realised I did not live my life so as not to go through any of these. I have no regrets whatsoever. Applying to Cambridge was probably one of the most fulfilling moments of my life, and I am glad I did it. If not, I might not have gone closer to some people and might not have learnt more about myself. A bit the cliche lah, but its true.

Being the best person does not mean one has to go to the best universities or have the best job or have the best looks or have the best grades. I believe that the best person is the one who makes the best out of every opportunity given to him/her. For we can argue luck, we can argue fate, but whatever is given to us, I believe that all of us have the ability to simply be the best just because he/she has done their best in the very worst of circumstances. There maybe some hidden self-consoling in this. Whatever it is, I know that I will continue to love Mathematics and nothing can prevent me from that.

City? Here I come!

Cambridge? Maybe next year.


At 9:42 PM, Blogger dad sends nod said...

Sniff, sniff... I feel like crying. Good one, Zijian!

At 11:35 PM, Blogger BoNdI said...

Dear smartass,

Echoing Aveena - things happen for a reason. Life's long and there's going to be many rejections as well as blessings. Don't count them!

Chin up


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