Friday, December 31, 2004

Of Being Back At Last

Ugh... haven't been blogging much. Dania can attest to that as she accused me of being a lazy bum on my tagboard to world-wide readers. Not that I mind though. It is certainly better than those sexual innuendoes on it which imply certain things that i vehemently deny. Well, the reason I haven't been blogging much is thanks to not only my laziness but also to the fact that holidays leave a subtle implication to rest from all work - which includes blogging. There you go, Dania. =)

Well, these past few days I have done my fair share of travelling. Been to China, Singapore and the god-forsaken place of Sitiawan (at this, I call any place without Internet connection god-forsaken) Come to think of it, I have only been back home for 7 days! Out of my 5 weeks holiday! And I still haven't touched my homework! I wonder if Ms. Elsie reads my blog. Hmm...

Anyway, those are my ramblings about my holidays. I was reading the Star and they were promoting this blog : Dying Is.... You guys should check it out, if you want to see a different take on blogging. And I am glad that the Star took the opportunity to promote it because it is, in my opinion, very insightful.

A new year is coming. I wish all my blog readers to make the new year crappier and wackier and more fun! Its been a great time 2004. Now on to 2005! (Fireworks!)


At 1:01 PM, Blogger dad sends nod said...

Happy New Year, Zijian! Wow, that blog is something...

At 11:34 AM, Blogger fishtail said...

Yes, Zijian; the blog is something to read. Very very poignant. I think I shall find a way of including it as recommended reading or something for this semester. Happy new year.


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