Sunday, April 17, 2005

Of Surviving and Coming Out Stronger

What a week! Took the weekend off to recover but still can't seem to get over the emotional turmoil I suffered from the past week.

Monday (11/4/05)
Just returned from a JPA camp. Wished it didn't end so early though. It was a camp designed to ssek potential. Potential in being a future politician. Don't actually want the extra scholarship, no that I don't want to be one (i believe Parliament could do with some people like me), but that I prefer not to have the extra strain imposed by it. But then, camp was great fun! Wasn't expecting it but managed to flirt with some girls, play UNO till dawn, exchange crappy jokes and have a dream vacation. Returned with college and was loaded with lots of Law stuff by Ying Khai to be ready for the moot. Sigh. Back to sad, sad reality.

Tuesday (12/4/05)
Am depressed. And stressed. Notice last post at bottom. I just needed to vent out. Burdened with studying for trials as well as preparing for the moot. I thought that multi-tasking was my forte but apparently its not going too smoothly. The only saving grace was that it was a Math paper today and I could release a bit of my stress by doing something I love - Math, not Law - note. I didn't know that mooting required so much reading and reading and reading. My eyes were drooping, I looked haggered, my head was pounding, I was more tired than I should be. Mooting really was taking a lot of my time and my energy and my sanity.

Wednesday (13/4/05)
Today was Law. Tort actually. I didn't like the way I studied for this paper - namely relying on my photographic memory to recall all the stuff two hours before the exam. I know that I can do it, just didn't like the way I did it. It is my belief that though I had mooting to do, I refused to blame mooting for me doing badly in the exam. I should know my priorities, and it would be my fault for not putting some things first than the other. Prepared my moot speech. Practised with it for a while. Had a fever. Go figure whether I was happy then.

Thursday (14/4/05)
Relieved and elated. Believe it or not, we won the moot!!! Surprise, surprise! Went up against the most senior team with little - only the endless support of the lecturers- backing us up. I did the best I could and in the end - suddenly all the three days of hard labour seemed worth it. (not!). It was definitely not worth it, the three weeks of us being thrown into the abyss of dismay. But I would not regret this experience. Had a great time. And I could finally control my emotions when I spoke- for once- something I had been longing to do for a long time. This sealed it. I am so glad that I am doing Actuarial Science and not Law. Give me surds and trigonometry and calculus, but no Law. Please, I'm begging you. Most of the credit should be given to Ying Khai though. Dude, I really respect your passion and enthusiasm for Law. And I guess the hope that I would not dissappoint you was the only incentive to keep me going. Just remember the next time you ask me to moot again, I shall throw the Law reports at your head.

Friday (15/4/05)
Three exams today!!! Die liao. Economics was a blur. My brain wasn't functioning properly. Aftermath of the win, perhaps. Next came three straight hours of Accounting, which was annoying because we were the only two left in the examination hall (due to the fact that we had to postpone the test for mooting) So we ended up talking during the exams, which was ample entertainment. By the way, costing sucked.

Saturday (16/4/05)
Played DOTA the entire day. What a way to destress! Spent about RM40 doing absolutely nothing. I deserve a break, don't I?

Sunday (17/4/05)
I took the day to catch up on my sleep. Sometimes the best way to relax is just to catch some shut eye.


At 11:02 PM, Blogger yingks said...

Dude u flatter me lar. Thanks really, for all the commitment! Learned that I can trust you, even though I showed otherwise at times; but you know why right! Been a hell of a ride, it's over, we're on top of it all, the end for you, the start for me. THANKS AGAIN!=)

At 4:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

u guys did a great job! congrats! n i'm even happier cos there's something in it for me as well!
psssst..i saw him shed tears! ;)

At 9:47 AM, Blogger fishtail said...

Big makan in the pipeline. We're going to slurp oysters like there's no tomorrow and stuff ourselves crazy with sushi, in short, feast like kings. No wonder they're taking us to the Palace (of the Golden Horses). The best part is, your coach is paying part of it :)

At 6:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

u guys did a gr8 job..
congrats in the moot!

At 8:48 PM, Blogger yingks said...

Deepak u ...%*^(*^&(%*@(^*$(@($@*


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