Monday, September 27, 2004

Of Idols and Dirty Shames

I have nothing interesting to update my blog with. Thought I could give my two cents worth on the mock interview for Cambridge I had, but since then it was an incredibly big waste of time, I rather not discuss it here and waste your time as well.

Well, Malaysian Idol is down to its final three. About time too as I have followed the ups and downs of the entire first season and made my fair share of criticisms and comments. It is kinda hard not to compare Malaysian Idol with the much-hyped American Idol, especially since American Idol is now symbolic to America the same way nasi lemak is symbolic to Malaysia, Swiss cheese to Switzerland and French Fries to France. (get the drift?) I noticed that the two finalists - Jac and Dina reminded me vaguely on the two finalists of American Idol - Fantasia Barrino and Diana DeGarmo, just a tad bit weaker. On one side, you have the incredibly sassy Jac who has been in the final two a couple of times. On the other hand, you have the vocally-strong Dina who can belt out tough numbers at the top of her lungs. Well, Fantasia won anyhow. Lets see if history will repeat itself.

I am being very bi-assed myself as I hope those two do cut it as the final two and not the oh-so-cute Vick who I believe has garner a female-voting base for himself. Wonder what girls see in him. Hmm... Anyhow, I am glad that Andrew did not make it through. After weeks of mundane performances, I have to say that I was glad to see him go. (No offence, bro. But when you sing, it gives me ample time to go to the toilet and back) For those who don't know what I am talking about, check this site out! It contains everything, including a forum where you can vent your pent-out feelings on certain judges, contestants and hosts. And believe me, some judges were insulted like there was no tomorrow. They are THAT bad.

By the way, one of the former Idols, Zamil has a blog on his own too. In it, he gives his opinion on the entire experience. It is a good read, especially if you want a different perspective on the whole Idol phenomena.

Oh yeah, watch the trailer of this movie - A Dirty Shame. Very, very funny. Would have wanted to watch it, but I have a feeling that it will be censored by the Malaysian government, for uhm... inappropriate silicon lodgements. Darn! What a shame!

Current music: Elton John's Your Song


At 9:07 AM, Blogger yingks said...

I wonder why people don't vote Jac. Actually I'm guilty too cos i don't vote! But in USA voting is free. Here, Telekom wants to charge -thats why they're sponsoring!

At 8:16 PM, Blogger smartass said...

Dear Yingks,

I know we have to pay. However, that doesn't mean we should let foreign ears fall on a less-deserving winner. Vote, vote, vote. Mengundi demi kebahagiaan. =)

At 4:09 PM, Blogger Bex said...

People 'don't vote' for Jac because she's not well..part of the 'majority' which is why Dina gets so many votes. Also, Malaysians do not appreciate singers like Jac, because they're not familiar with her style. That's why boybands and singers who can't carry half a tune are more popular than really good singers over here.

I do agree that Jac and Dina is sort of like Diana and Fantasia but what Diana had that Dina does not have is versatility and maturity (Diana is really quite mature for a 17 year old), and a degree of confidence that belies her age. Diana can also sing a whole lot better than Dina, who only seems to be able to sing R&B songs decently.

As for Jac, the first time I heard her sing I thought her voice is remarkably like Fantasia's. And both of them have originality and class, something which not a lot of singers have (and none in the pop scene coz you only have to be sleazy, not classy). I like the way Jac makes each song her own...and Jac and Fantasia..both have big lips. I wonder what Simon Cowell would say about Jac?

All I can say is that if people are sensible enough, they would vote for Jac.

p/s: Sorry. I'm a stranger and I'm posting such a long message on your blog!


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