Friday, November 26, 2004

Of How I Survived Boredom

One week. One week stuck in Sitiawan, Perak. And I was bored. Bored stiff. My days were basically spent ...

1. (finally) watching Philadelphia, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, The School of Rock, The Punisher, Catwoman, Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams and Scooby Doo 2. Phew!

2. monitoring my brothers while they mastered Solitaire, Hearts, Minesweeper and Space Cadet Pinball on my dad's laptop

3. finishing 3 Maths past year papers

4. reading up Market Structures

5. hunting for cybercafes to waste my time with. (no Internet connection at home) Found out there was only one, which doesn't even have Warcraft 3. Ended up playing Quake 3 with my bro.

6. trying to build up my muscles after letting them flab during my exam period

7. eating

8. sleeping

Did I mention I was on holiday? Hope the rest of it will be better. It has to be. Please.

Current Music: Embrace's Ashes


At 9:47 AM, Blogger BoNdI said...

dear smartass,

uh huh, totally understand the boredom and the 'trying' to tone the muscles. And really get the binge movie watching..

BUT, what the heck are you doing maths papers for? Give the the damn thing a rest! You need lessons for that too???!!! WEIRD!

on a little side note, fully aware of your illicit tagboard. It's very very eye catching. Who's this Hong Hon- he knows his lubricants stuff well..hrmmm.

p.s- you never had much of a rear! hahhahaha


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