Sunday, January 15, 2006

Of (Relatively) Cheap Cuisine

My apettite has grown really really small. I used to be able to gulp down food by the mountains, and now, sometimes, I feel it a chore just to eat some stuff. Granted that I am still the largest eater among the other Malaysians here (even been credited as a bottomless pit), I still feel I am just not eating as much.

Its funny how much you really miss Malaysian food when you don't have loads of it. Funnier thing is: there will always be a discussion on the best Malaysian food at least once a week, thrice when we are feeling particularly hungry. Ah... to have all those food at our disposal (I refuse to mention any for fear of salivating over my keyboard).

I had a discussion on relative prices in the UK just today. The average meal in Malaysia is around RM3. The average meal in the UK is well, 3 pounds. Relatively, they are of the actual same price. BUT, a musical ticket here is roughly 20 pounds, 7 times the price of food here, where as in Malaysia, one ticket will set you aside RM80, about 27 times the price. Comparing both of them, it is actually more worth it to buy expensive stuff here as it is relatively cheaper, i.e just setting you aside a few meals, whereas in Malaysia it is definitely cheaper to eat, eat and well, eat. Now, we know why we Malaysians are a greedy lot. Its not because we just love it, its also because food is so, so, so , so much cheaper there.

As a side note, with this thought in mind, no wonder i've been spending so much time on eBay recently. =)


At 4:38 AM, Blogger Adelynn said...

Welcome to the World of Ebay!! it was fun wasn't it? just be careful to not go into overdraft with the bank!

At 7:28 AM, Blogger LiempehHâ„¢ said...

wahlan-ehh, taken over the mantle as the largest eater from malaysia kah? (me, the rice pot fella!) hahaha!!
neeways, we shall next time go back home and ta-pau all the food et home; safe money for musicals instead! SToMP rocks man!!=P


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