Thursday, March 09, 2006

I Am So Turning Into A Vampire

I hate the sun. I despise the sun. I can't believe something so warm and lovely back in Malaysia can turn so cold, metaphorically speaking. The sun in the UK is all light and no heat. Everytime I stay under the sunlight, I always imagine myself swept away in the blazing heat of the Malaysian sun, sweat running all over my body. Here, all I get is the cold weather and hope that the stupid wind won't blow in my direction.

And the sun here is so bright, for some scientific reason I do not have the time to comprehend. So, every morning, I close my curtains, preventing and inch of sunlight from flooding my room, and switch the light on.

If you shoot me with a silver bullet, I'll probably die. Heck, if you shoot me with anything, chances are you will get the same result.


At 8:24 PM, Blogger Adelynn said...

nooo the heat from the sun here actually pierces ur skin, and u feel like u're burning up from inside!

and yea, why is the sun here so damn glaring???

At 7:41 AM, Blogger smartass said...

Really? Never felt burned before. More like I froze in the sunshine and ran straight to the nearby grocery shop to embrace my beloved heater.

At 8:57 PM, Blogger LiempehH™ said...

eh, at least u got sun entering ur room here, the plant is soo dying adi sun....must susah2 bring it to kitchen when it needs its fix! ^^

At 11:51 PM, Blogger Adelynn said...

Zhuangli : ur plant sounds like some drug addict who needs its regular fixes...

At 1:27 PM, Blogger yingks said...

Same sun different effect! I'd rather not sweat under the sun.:)

At 7:49 AM, Blogger LiempehH™ said...

adelynn: my plant officially dieded liow now la... left the bulbs nia now. damn paiseh la*

At 10:18 PM, Blogger WhiteFox said...

Zhuangli, next time buy bamboo from Ikea, don't need sun, it needs only tap water to survive. And Zijian, I just found out yesterday that 'vampire' is actually a disease and all weird behaviours of a 'vampire' has its scientific explanations!~ :p

At 4:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

zijian: the name of tht disease is AIDS...sorry turning white...blood oozing from flest...need I say more?


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