Saturday, October 23, 2004

Of My Cambridge Interview

I shall not comment on my Cambridge interview. There are worst things that could happen in life, i.e a country suddenly suffers from a superiority complex and starts bombing Petaling Jaya with the hopes of finding supposedly-hidden WMDs, falling from the 17th floor, falling from the 17th floor and still surviving, or choking on a pretzel. There, a Cambridge interview matters zilch, especially if you compared what the Iraqis, those two children and George W. Bush are/were feeling.

Anyway, was in such a bad mood for the past two days. It was like being stuck in a recurring nightmare, hoping and hoping that I could just wake up and poof - the interview day starts all over again ala Groundhog Day. Nah, wouldn't want that to happen either. Oh well... mood swings abound. Was finally cheered up after watching The Terminal and found out that there were worst things in life - like being stranded in a terminal and finding out that your country is at war. But heck, if I had Catherine Zeta-Jones as an air-stewardess, I would willingly get stranded in an airport! =)

Am in a relatively better mood now. Completed my admissions test and had a great time doing it. It was especially enjoyable. And I found out that my admmisions interviewer treated everybody else the same way, so I guess I was kinda happy after that - talk about being a sadist. Anyhow, it's finally over! All the work and stress and it's finally over! I wish all those who are applying to Cambridge all the best and see what happens. After all, as quoted by Viktor Navorski in The Terminal : " We are all waiting for something ..." Lets wait and see what happens.

Current Music: Air Supply's Come What May


At 8:16 AM, Blogger yingks said...

Good! Get the moods over with:)


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