Thursday, November 04, 2004

Of Four More to Go

Six down, four more to go.

For those who don't know, I am referring to my AS, which I am taking, well, now. For my part, I hate the fact that I have one exam per week. It makes me restless: I can't study because I seem to be re-rereading the same thing, and I can't NOT study, because well, my entire future depends on my results. So, I seem to be contradicting myself more often than not, and I only manage to find a compromise when I eat, sleep and surf. (by this, I don't mean the wave type). So, my friend was asking me what kind of exercises I am doing right now. My answer: Eat and sleep. His response: 'Wow, you really are doing something'. Did I mention that he was sarcastic? =)

Oh well, done with Mathematics, Thinking Skills and Accounting. Economics and Law to go. Exams really suck. I can't wait for it to end. Oh well, till then. (Hey, it rhymes!) Bye.


At 11:50 AM, Blogger fishtail said...

You planning on going to Sidney Sussex? It's a nice place (was there as a tourist); right in the centre of the city, and yes, very near the Bridge of Sighs. All the best for the rest of your exams. And you too, Dania (& company).

At 2:20 PM, Blogger smartass said...

Dear Dania,

I hate you! 'Nuff said. =)

At 2:22 PM, Blogger smartass said...

Dear fishtail,

My application was sent to Sidney Sussex college and yes, I heard that it is in the middle of the city. I heard too that the tourists can prove to be much of a disturbance to the student life there though. Crossing fingers here! =)

At 4:07 PM, Blogger yingks said...

Congrats you're almost done. Seems like mine's not quite yet.

At 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That last line is SO lame!


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