After a recent psycho camp, they deduced from my test answers that I am calm, depressed, active-social, sympathetic(?), subjective, dominant, hostile and indisciplined. I forgot one more, hehe, but then again, the test results also claimed that I am more susceptible to drugs, alchohol and cigarettes, so well, I am currently 'high', forgive me for my inability to memorise every single thing on my results.
Sigh. Suprisingly, my results are true to a certain extent. And now I am going to do an entire dissection of my soul.
1. Calm - Well, I achieved an average low for this, so I am on the verge of being nervous if I stressed myself too much. Which means that I am potentially a nervewreck if you pushed the right buttons.
2. Depressed - OK, this is so damn true. I am depressed, just that I don't show it, doesn't mean I am not. It only means I am a good actor and should be given an Oscar for my Academy-worthy performance.
3. Active-Social - They day which I become anti-social is when I am depressed or to see others peoples reactions when I am bored. I just love being the centre of attention too much to be anti-social. No man is an island.
4. Sympathetic (?) - The question mark is there because, Me? Sympathetic? Seriously? The sky will break open and angels will fly down announcing my name if that happens.
5. Subjective - Emotional and me go hand-in-hand. If emotional was a person, I would marry him/her/it? immediately. Compatibility goes all the way.
6. Dominant - Yeap, I am into S&M. Lol. That was my first thought when I got that. Haha. Nope, it actually means I am assertive, which is a good thing.
7. Hostile - Thats where the sympathetic part doesn't fit in. I give myself credit for being hostile. Its just too much fun to insult people, with good intentions of course. =)
8. Ill-disciplined- Zhuang Li was the one who said that ' All scholars are disciplined people, well, all but Zijian, that is.' That was even before I got my results. Well, I have got quite the reputation to keep, don't I?
So, if you want to know, I have a tendency to commit suicide when or where appropriate, just to seek attention, or because I am to ill-disciplined. I need pscyhiatry help desperately, know any good ones? =)