Saturday, July 23, 2005

Of A Blog A Day

I have finally found out a way to spend my time. I have recently accumulated a series of Christopher Pike's Spooksville books (24 of them in all) and am devouring and savouring every last bit of them. I have now finished The Cold People and am now halfway through The Witch's Revenge. I just can't wait for Attack of the Killer Crabs and The Creepy Creature. Cool.

I have also decided to go for swimming. I need the exercise, especially after all the food I have been eating. Besides, broader shoulders and a tanner bod won't hurt at all. =)

Another day has passed.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Of Life As It Is

I'm tired of checking my blog all the time to find any interesting comments there. I've checked it every morning, noon and night, and, I guess that I have morphed into this boring creature who resorts to reading previous Harry Potter to satiate whatever human part of me which is left.

Warning: I have nothing interesting to add. My life, as it already is, has been utterly consumed by boredom. While others find joy in jogging, learning to cook, and sitting at home and rot, I need the company of my fellow homo sapiens to ensure that I do not do something extremely stupid.

Till then, boredom beckons.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Of Psychotic Notions

After a recent psycho camp, they deduced from my test answers that I am calm, depressed, active-social, sympathetic(?), subjective, dominant, hostile and indisciplined. I forgot one more, hehe, but then again, the test results also claimed that I am more susceptible to drugs, alchohol and cigarettes, so well, I am currently 'high', forgive me for my inability to memorise every single thing on my results.

Sigh. Suprisingly, my results are true to a certain extent. And now I am going to do an entire dissection of my soul.

1. Calm - Well, I achieved an average low for this, so I am on the verge of being nervous if I stressed myself too much. Which means that I am potentially a nervewreck if you pushed the right buttons.

2. Depressed - OK, this is so damn true. I am depressed, just that I don't show it, doesn't mean I am not. It only means I am a good actor and should be given an Oscar for my Academy-worthy performance.

3. Active-Social - They day which I become anti-social is when I am depressed or to see others peoples reactions when I am bored. I just love being the centre of attention too much to be anti-social. No man is an island.

4. Sympathetic (?) - The question mark is there because, Me? Sympathetic? Seriously? The sky will break open and angels will fly down announcing my name if that happens.

5. Subjective - Emotional and me go hand-in-hand. If emotional was a person, I would marry him/her/it? immediately. Compatibility goes all the way.

6. Dominant - Yeap, I am into S&M. Lol. That was my first thought when I got that. Haha. Nope, it actually means I am assertive, which is a good thing.

7. Hostile - Thats where the sympathetic part doesn't fit in. I give myself credit for being hostile. Its just too much fun to insult people, with good intentions of course. =)

8. Ill-disciplined- Zhuang Li was the one who said that ' All scholars are disciplined people, well, all but Zijian, that is.' That was even before I got my results. Well, I have got quite the reputation to keep, don't I?

So, if you want to know, I have a tendency to commit suicide when or where appropriate, just to seek attention, or because I am to ill-disciplined. I need pscyhiatry help desperately, know any good ones? =)

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Of Constant Harrassment and Quiz Spammers

OK, fine, I know I haven't blogged for a long long long long long time, but there is no need for constant harrassment. OK, maybe a little bit of cajolling is necessary. Mind you, a bit. And I know when I haven't blogged for a long long long long long time when your name gets kicked out from this blogger's Part of My Regular Diet list. I am innocent, I swear.

You know that thing about online quizzes that get passed through the internet. Those which you venture in when you have nothing better to do, then realised halfway through, that you actually have SOMETHING better to do and stop doing it. Usually, those questions lie in the range of:

1. Your name:
2. Favourite colour:
3. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be:
4. Ex-boyfriends/girlfriends:
5. Dumped anyone lately:
6. Sex (how many times):
7. Winter or Summer, Chocolate or Vanilla, one night stand or boring partner
8. Do you like this moronic quiz:
9. Would you send this moronic quiz to your friends so that we can spam their mail:
10. Would any of your sane, mentally stable friends bother reading it:
11. If your friends are deleting your mail, then why bother filling it up, idiot:

OK, I admit I have added some choice words. But hey, it is for a good cause.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Of My Achievement (Or Not!)

I thought of blogging about my road trip around the Northern Malaysia. Then I came back home and found this letter waiting for me: Congratulations on your achievement!

Well, at first I thought that I was awarded the Nobel Prize or something of that sort until I read even further where it was saying that I graduated from my college and there was a graduation ceremony for it.

Now there is nothing wrong with that until I realised:

1. My A-Levels results will be out on the 17th, 18th or 19th of August and the graduation is on the 13th, which in actual fact makes absolutely no sense at all. We graduate in theory, but not practically.

2. We are graduating the same time as the other students from other courses, whom I hardly know, and whom I have to share my graduation with. Knocks out any sense of achievement, if you ask me.

3. We have to pay RM 200 to graduate. Huh?

4. Who in their right minds even graduate from a pre-uni course?

I will probably be in big trouble if my opinions are found out. But sometimes, I feel that this kind of stuff is rather pointless. I would just prefer to have a gathering with the teachers and just hang out together. In that way, we get to keep our casualness and yet, is a parting in many ways.

Now to see whether my peers are going or not.